Dave Knight Cup 2024

7 Jul by Trevor Ridley

Leyton Orient Walking FC held its internal Cup (the Dave Knight Cup) competition on Sunday 7th July. In the attempt to avoid school holiday, the Club got caught by the shifting Gulf Stream and the threat of a heavy downpour. Fortunately, it did not happen with only a short shower half way through the morning.

Fiftysix players turned up with the usual last-minute withdrawals and additions. Players enjoyed the games that were played in an excellent spirit. There were seven teams split into squads of eight. Three referees were on duty, Mike Sommerville, Kevin Preston and Stuart Short. A big thank you form the Club for their whistle-blowing on the day.

The event was won by the Portugal team on goal difference from Germany.

Portugal 12 points (8-2 goal difference)
Germany 12 points (4-0 goal difference)
Georgia 9 points
Scotland 7 points
Spain 6 points
Italy 5 points
England 2 points

Each team captain nominated a player of the day

Portugal: Tony Weston
Germany: Keith Everett
Georgia: Jo Ahlstrom
Scotland: Chris Williams
Spain: Neil Burns
Italy: Sam Baker
England: Colin Corrigan

The Club also congratulated Phil Stevenson for his debut for the England over 75s eleven-a-side team.

© Copyright 2024 Leyton Orient Walking FC
Image used © 2024 Len Cheston

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